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It has been awhile (2 years) since I've blogged but as most recent grads, after college you concentrate on building a career and forget the little things that you looked forward to do during your spare time. One of the those little things was this blog that I created. I began blogging to improve my writing skills and share my experience for those who care enough to read about it :)

It's only April and I have so much things that I want to share with you but this post is all about my 2nd trip (yes, 2nd trip of this year), Punta Cuna, Dominica Republic. And for those who are wondering why, well let me reminder you, this blog is not only about beauty and fashion but about anything that is worth blogging.

I've stayed at the Paradisus Punta Cana Resort in the Junior Suit. It's a bit pricy but completely worth it and also it's all inclusive so no need to worry about carrying money around and possibly losing your wallet from all the fun you're having. The lobby is breath taking and relaxing.

To be truly honest, besides the lunch buffet, 99% of the restaurants in the resort made me completely sick and the food was not as I expected. The 1% that I loved and did not made my stomach feel weird was Mole. Mole is a Mexican cuisine and let me tell you guys, I had the best chicken quesadillas! If you ever go to Paradisus Resort in Punta Cana, make reservations to Mole. Also, be careful what you order from the menu no matter where you go. Different countries cook differently!

Out of the 9 pairs of shoes that I took with me in this 5-day vacation trip, these Zara faux fur strap sandals were the most comfortable yet chic that I wore through out the whole trip. I only purchased these during their big Sale because they were the only pair left and it happened to be my size, I figured it was meant for me to take them home (even thought I kept questioning while waiting in the line whether I really liked them or just me being a typical shopaholic). Let me say, I  received so many compliments and my feet being so happy the I learned to love them.

I wish I had more images to show of the lobby, the suit etc of the trip but I mostly snapchat and posted maybe 2-3 other images on Instagram. I tend to live in the moment and forgot to pack my cannon camera so yes, these images were taken with my iPhone.

I am planning to work on more post about items that I regret purchasing and items that was worth waiting in the line to pay for. As always, I will state my truly honest opinion to everyone. Who knows, I might save you from spending money on things that are just not worth it. 

xoxox  V


Floppy April + Giveaway!

Necklace; find from a local boutique, White Monogram Hat, Ring; Pave Coil from Express, Michael Kors bracelet (PoshMark find) style MKJ3509710

Hi beautiful peeps,

For starters I hope everyone had an awesome Easter Day this weekend with your love ones and for all my jewish friends, joyous festival. Being that I love accessories, monograms and everything that has to do with them together, I was super excited to hear that 9th and Elm wanted to send me a Monogram Floppy Hat with my initials. With so many options, It took me literally 2 days to decided on the Hat/Thread color and the font style. I ended up deciding on the White Monogram Hat and Navy Blue with Master Circle font style. I figured, why not choose something that would go well with any outfit. Because of the crazy New York weather, it was a bit difficult to actually take it out for a spin. Snow storms, strong winds, non-stop rain, and yes! I'm talking about the month of March. So during the Easter weekend, I finally was able to show my hat off. I styled it with a loss cover-up sweater and paired it with my levi's white shorts, a fashion statement necklace, a gorgeous ring from express, an awesome Michael Kors bracelet (which I found on PoshMark) and of course my signature hair look. I love everything about the hat! Unlike most flappy hats I own, it stayed well in place! Especially when the wind was passing by. It is fun, stylish, simple but yet elegant in its own way. The Monogram Hat retails for $50 but it's on sale for $25, 50% off! So worth it!

Enough about me! Did I mention, I teamed up with 9th and Elm to do a major giveaway for y'all. I know, Finally! A Giveaway on Vanessa'a blog.

Here are the details;

-  The giveaway will remain live from April 7 at 11 am CST until April 16 at 11 am CST.
-  The winner will be chosen and notified by 9th and Elm on April 17.
-  This giveaway is available for United States and Canadian residents only.

Good Luck!!! xoxox

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A Fresh Start With Destiny

As we wrapped up February and welcomed March I'm sure most of you are just excited as I am for summer to arrive. February was definitely a busy month; New York Fashion Week, Valentine's Day, 2 baby showers and bestie birthday, so I was most looking forward to relax. One thing I absolutely love to do on my spare time is light-up a candle in my room, lay on my bed, catch up on some reading and of course check out my social media as well. I am a big candle person! My friends think I am insane for having so many candles but to be honest, each candle is far different from the other. Depending on my mood of the day I light-up flowers scent when I'm happy, desserts and pastry scent for when I feel silly or my nieces come over, and ocean breeze or tropical scents for relaxation.
During Fashion Week I've attended the Bene Rialto Collective Preview & Lounge in which I meet Destiny Candle lovely representative Erica who introduce me to this amazing candle/body oil. Yes, I said it! Body Oil! The luxury candle melts to silky body oil and surprisingly as you pour it on to your skin it was the perfect temperature. In every candle there is a hidden surprise for you, a ring value from $10-$10k dollars.
Made in the US, the brand is non-GMO (Genetically Modified Foods) which means the candle is not artificially control in a laboratory through genetic engineering and no animal testing.
My boyfriend and I were pretty excited when I received this awesome surprise in the mail. We had a very romantic night just us two and enjoyed the power of the candle, let me tell you girls, he approves! He actually offered to be my hand model to demonstrate you how silky the body oil drips on to the skin.
Destiny Candle offers a 4oz tin for $14.99 and 8oz tin (which I have) or glass for $24.99 in variety scents. I actually have Imagine - Anything is Possible Candle, Arousing Chocolat Mint scent which I am in love with! Not only do you get a candle and body oil but also a very nice piece of jewelry for an amazing price. Obviously I recommend you guys to check them out! You won't regret it! And if you do let me know what you guys think about it. I would love to hear your thoughts about it too. Love y'all and many kisses!!!