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It's all about the Rebel Hair!

Hey Gorgeous! How would you like to try out different hair colors without any commitment? Well, I sure do! Some days you might want to have blue hair like Demi Lovato and Kyle Jenner, some days purple like Kelly Osbourne or some days just whichever color you feel like it. Now you can! For the past 4 days I've been rocking pink and gold shimmer on my hair and all thanks to Redken's. Redken's generously send over some samples for me to try out and may I say I effin' love it! Their New Color Rebel Hair Makeup simply allows you to experiment with your hair again and again with just applying in a sponge tip applicator. If you are like me, after a while you might just change your mind and thats okay. After 2 hair washes the Redken's Color Hair Makeup comes off!

• Punked Up Pink: Fuchsia pink
• Gilty as Charged: Gold Shimmer

Step 1: Shake Well and twist the cap to the direction of the arrow. Don't forget to attach the sponge tip applicator!
Step 2: Apply the Color Makeup to clean and dry hair. Keep in mind, the more you apply on your hair the more intense the color will be. (I applied A LOT!)
Step 3: Let your hair air dry or you can blow dry it like I did for faster results.
FYI: if you're applying it yourself wear gloves. It's less messy, trust me!

Because I have this crazy pink and gold shimmer on my hair I decided to go all out with my makeup as well. 
Am I a "Rebel" yet? 

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